Sustainability has always been a priority for Messe Frankfurt GmbH and, as a result, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of the company concept.

The firm continuously expands its CSR activities and initiates new developments with the intention of adopting an increasingly value-oriented approach.
Ethical principles, fairness, legal compliance and voluntary commitments serve as a guide for successful business activities. Guidelines and best practices are the cornerstones of compliance management. Compliance is part of the code of conduct.
The "Simply Sustainable" brand brings together all of Messe Frankfurt’s activities and policies tied to this social commitment, through which the company assumes the duty to operate profitably, take care of its customers, conserve resources and maintain working places in proper conditions.
As a subsidiary, our actions are part of the company’s global commitments:
- We donate equipment to education centers.
- We offer safe and healthy working conditions.
- We respect national labor laws.
- We reject forced labor and child labor.
- We monitor our supply chains and their subcontracting agreements.
- We help reduce the environmental impact by using only FSC certified paper, by reusing sheets and by collecting plastic caps for recycling programs.
- We donate equipment and furniture (PCs, hard drives, monitors, chairs, etc.)
Messe Frankfurt’s outstanding actions
Messe Frankfurt GmbH carries out a CSR plan that covers four categories: social responsibility; environment and sustainability; education & science; and commitment to culture. Among the most outstanding actions are:
Messe Frankfurt joins Net Zero Carbon Events initiative

Messe Frankfurt has signed the Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge with a view to driving forward sustainable development in the international event sector. This was initiated by the Joint Meetings Industry Council (JMIC) and is supported by various organisations and associations in the trade fair and event sector, including UFI and AUMA. All organisations that sign the pledge commit to making their events climate-neutral by 2050 at the latest.
The “Messe Frankfurt Against Copying” Program

The Program—which is active in Argentina—seeks to make the exhibitors aware of the importance of complying with legal norms that protect the intellectual property of brands and products. To this end, our company distributes information to clients concerning the measures that must be taken before participating in the event; lawyers are made available to advise—free of charge—during the exhibition; and exhibitors are controlled to make sure they are legally constituted companies.
Adherence to the UN Global Compact

Since 2010, our company is a member of the UN Global Compact. It is the first German trade fair company that adhered to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and works to ensure that they are respected.
Switch over to renewable energy
As of event year 2020, Messe Frankfurt will be changing over completely to green power, sourcing 100 percent of its electricity from renewable energy. This includes the power supply for the stands, halls and exhibition grounds at the company’s Frankfurt base.
More informationSupport to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
Respect for the environment is a key. Therefore, we support the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and we use certified paper.
Implementation of Whistleblower System and Human Rights Strategy
Messe Frankfurt undertakes to satisfy the duties of care for human rights and the environment that are set out in the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG).
Policy statement on the human rights strategyMesse Frankfurt’s whistleblower system
If you have any information regarding possible or actual violations of environmental protection or human rights (such as discrimination, violation of the freedom of association, unfair wage practices or failure to provide sufficient employee protection), we would ask you to share this with us.
You can reach Messe Frankfurt’s Compliance Management team at:
Messe Frankfurt GmbH
Attn.: HS 33 Compliance Management / Confidential
Ludwig-Erhard- Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Phone: +49 69 - 75 75 60 60
You may provide information under your own name or anonymously. However, we would encourage you to communicate with us openly so that we have the option of asking questions and investigating and clarifying the situation you are bringing to our attention.
Everyone involved in processing a report and investigating the situation in question is obliged to treat as confidential the identity of the whistleblower and the persons mentioned in the report.
Anyone who reports possible or actual violations of legal regulations in good faith will receive the express protection of Messe Frankfurt. No one should be disadvantaged in any way as a result of submitting a whistleblower report. This also applies to anyone who assists you with your report or disclosure.
Messe Frankfurt Argentina’s outstanding actions
Commitment to public hospitals
We offered a preferential commercial treatment to the Cooperator of Social Action (COAS) who chose us, between 2013 and 2017, to carry out their COAS Fair of the Nations. This fair is COAS’ main source of income for their charity tasks. All profits from the Fair are allocated to public hospitals.
Active Support to the Argentine Sport Confederation for Deaf Athletes (CADES)
In 2013, together with Nueva Chevallier—a local bus company—we coordinated the logistics and transport for the Male Volleyball Teams of Bulgaria and Venezuela, and the Male National Futsal Team of Bulgaria. During their stay in Buenos Aires, they played both friendly and competitive matches against the Argentine national teams as part of their training for the 2013 Bulgarian Volleyball World Cup and 2014 Futsal World Cup.
Support for the La Rural Recycles Program
The main objective of this program is to reduce the environmental impact of the waste generated on the property, promoting the reuse of material surplus that is generated after the events —wood, glass, metals, agglomerates and ceramics—for the construction of didactic instruments and furniture for schools and social organizations, or for repairing houses in poor sections of the city. An exhibition that covers the entire La Rural generates between 800 and 1,500 kg of reusable material.