From April 12 to 15, 2023, BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires will become the most important business center in Latin America where 100% of the electrical, electronic and lighting industry will be represented. Over four days, the compannies will present their products and services to a qualified audience and in an environment that will allow them to promote their brand.
As in every edition, exhibitors will have the opportunity to hold technical conferences on their products and announce the latest advances of their company.
In addition, they will be able to participate in the Matchmaking Programs, a space for articulation between national producers and international buyers. Organized by Messe Frankfurt and the Argentine Chamber of Electronic, Electromechanical and Lighting Industries (CADIEEL), the exhibition will be the ideal space to meet up with customers and generate new business contacts.
In this regard, the Project Manager, Fabián Natalini, stated: “BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires returns renewed, with new 4.0 spaces and new distribution channels for brands. We invite all companies to be part of this event that gives the opportunity to show the potential that the industry has to offer, a sector that is one of the main engines of national technological progress”.
On his part, the President of CADIEEL, José Tamborenea, stated: “We consider this to be a great opportunity to continue promoting the growth and innovation of the national industry. In this edition, clean energy projects, sectors for Micro Entrepreneurs for companies related to 3D printing with industrial additives, augmented reality, IOT, digital twins, Big Data, computer security, among others, will be added. These types of events are a great way to continue working on the dissemination and promotion of developments in our industry”.
Guaranteed communication and diffusion
In this new edition, exhibitors will have digital marketing materials at their disposal that will give them greater visibility and the possibility of better positioning themselves in front of visitors. For this, they will have digital tools in the different instances of the exhibition. Among them: plates to upload to social networks, banners to insert in their websites and mails, logos and posters.
In addition, in the new Media Pack Manager (MPM) of BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires website each company will be able to generate its profile and thus distinguish the brand by including a description of the company, its products, contact information, logos, photos, among other features. There, the exhibitors will be able to update the information of the company permanently up to a year and a half after the end of the exhibition, allowing them to retain their existing customers and capture potential ones.
The main exponents of the electrical, electronic and lighting industry will exhibit all the cutting-edge technologies at BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires, from April 12 to 15, 2023 at La Rural Trade Center.
Exclusive event for professionals and business professionals of the sector. With invitation: free of charge. To register, you must submit your ID. Children under 16 years old will not be allowed even when accompanied by an adult.
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Additional information about CADIEEL
CADIEEL, Argentine Chamber of Electronic, Electromechanical and Lighting Industries represents and advocates the interests of 2,200 industries from different areas, which employ more than 60,300 highly qualified technical-professional workers and export to more than 60 countries on five continents.
Headquartered in the city of Buenos Aires, it has 210 associates, who actively participate in the four sectors it brings together (Low Voltage, Energy, Lighting and Electronics) actively working towards national technological progress, developing and promoting the creation of alternatives that allow industries to exploit their potential, improving their levels of competitiveness in the local and international market.
You will find more information in: www.cadieel.org.ar
Additional information about Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest organizer of exhibitions, congresses and events with its own venue. The Messe Frankfurt group of companies has around 2,500* employees in 30 subsidiaries. In 2020, the company generated a turnover of around 250* million euros after ending the 2019 financial year with a turnover of 738 million euros. Even in the difficult times of the coronavirus pandemic, Messe Frankfurt mantains its international connection with its fields of activity. Thanks to its close links with different sectors, it effectively and efficiently represents the business interests of its customers within the framework of «Fairs & Events», «Locations» and «Services» business areas. One of the main differentiating feastures of Messe Frankfurt is the global marketing network that spans all regions of the world. A complete offer of services —both face-to-face and online— guarantees high quality and constant flexibility in the services of planning, organizing and carrying out the events of its customers around the world. In addition, it is expanding its digital experience with new business models. The range of services includes from the rental of the venue, the assembly of the exhibition, and marketing services to the hiring of personnel and the gastronomy service. The company headquarters are located in Frankfurt am Main. The partners are the city of Frankfurt, with 60 percent, and the state of Hesse, with 40 percent.
More information at: www.messefrankfurt.com
*preliminary figures 2020
Additional information about Messe Frankfurt Argentina
It is the subsidiary of the world’s leading organization of professional exhibitions. The aim of the exhibitions is to promote real business meetings that stimulate regional markets, encourage internal market and, in turn, encourage the development of the technological pole in each area. Currently, the event portfolio of Messe Frankfurt Argentina includes the following exhibitions: Automechanika Buenos Aires, BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires, Confemaq, Emitex, ExpoCehap, ExpoFerretera, ExpoMant, Intersec Buenos Aires, Salón Moto, Simatex, Tecno Fidta. Besides, it holds numerous congresses and special events for third parties, such as Argentina Oil & Gas Expo Buenos Aires, Argentina Oil & Gas Expo Patagonia and Arminera, among others.
You will find more information in www.argentina.messefrankfurt.com