The exhibitions that bring together the entire value chain of the sector showed once again that the country's textile industry is still in force in all its aspects. In more than 14,000 sqm of exhibition space and over three days, visitors took the opportu nity to learn about new trends, connect with colleagues and customers, and close new business deals
In the Emitex, Simatex and Confemaq 2024 aisles, visitors learned about the new sustainable trends that the industry has to offer, new technologies, highli ghting the DENIM STATION space, a sector designed to demonstrate the importance of denim throughout its production cycle. Within the framework of the Lecture Series, the president of Fundación Pro Tejer, Luciano Galfione, gave a lecture on the Perspective of the Argentine Textile and Garment Industry in the Current Context. During the lecture, the president stressed the need to strengthen industrial policy as a necessary condition to be a developed country and mentioned: “Our main function is to help the c ompanies of the sector and the whole arc that surrounds this value chain, generating public policy proposals that serve to enhance what we are, betting on the development of our country“.
We are proud that this great meeting of the textile and garment industry has been as well attended as it was, where suppliers of the entire value chain of the sector were able to show the great potential, quality and technology of the national industry at international level. We met again after two years, in a new sce nario such as La Rural. These spaces serve to demonstrate the scope of the textile industry, which not only generates added value to the country but also textile industry, which not only generates added value to the country but also generates jobs", generates jobs", said Andrea Lippi, Emitex, Simatex and Confemaqsaid Andrea Lippi, Emitex, Simatex and Confemaq’s Project ’s Project ManagerManager.
How did exhibitors experience this edition of Emitex, Simatex and s experience this edition of Emitex, Simatex and Confemaq?
Julieta Mattina, CEO of Realtex S.A., “We are once again present at this “We are once again present at this important exhibition for the industry. We are happy to participate, for us it is the important exhibition for the industry. We are happy to participate, for us it is the ideal opportunity to ideal opportunity to showshow the new technthe new technologies we have, and to be in contact ologies we have, and to be in contact with customers and supplierswith customers and suppliers".
Andres Depascuali, head of Albitex: “It is very important to be at this fair. Our “It is very important to be at this fair. Our company started as an ecompany started as an e-commerce so having a fair of this commerce so having a fair of this kindkind, and that our , and that our customers come to see us face to face is very important. We are grateful to the customers come to see us face to face is very important. We are grateful to the exhibition, we are a company that continues to grow aexhibition, we are a company that continues to grow and in each nd in each editionedition we we meet new friends”.meet new friends”.
Valeria Ruere, head of Casa Ruere: “We are a family company that has been “We are a family company that has been in the business for more than 90 years. We took advantage of the Emitex, in the business for more than 90 years. We took advantage of the Emitex, Simatex and Confemaq exhibitions to present our entire product line”Simatex and Confemaq exhibitions to present our entire product line”.
Don't miss the opportunity to present and learn about the latest innovations in these thriving segments.
If you want to be part of this great exhibition:
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Ignacio Pérez Press and Communication Analyst
Phone: +54 11 7078 4844 ignacio.perez@argentina.messefrankfuert.com
Messe Frankfurt Argentina Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre 530 1428 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Camila Loch Press Consultant Mauro y Asociados Phone: +54 2324 558730 cloch@mauroyasociados.com.ar https://mauroyasociados.com.ar/
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